Rules For Evaluating

Rules For Evaluating Scientific Works Submitted For Publication In The Journal

In pursuit of the journal to present valuable scientific works, all scientific works submitted for publication on its pages are subject to confidential evaluation in accordance with the following rules and regulations: (This is after accepting the abstract by the editorial board).

  1. The scientific works submitted for publication on the pages of the journal are evaluated by specialized professors who are certified for their competence and integrity.
  2. Evaluators evaluate the scientific works without prejudice to them and submit their observations and scientific opinions about them in writing according to the forms prepared by the editorial board of the journal.
  3. The evaluator is committed to confidentiality and objectivity in the evaluation, following the scientific methods of evaluation (objectivity and formality).
  4. The degree of evaluation of scientific work shall be one hundred marks according to the following bases :
    -  Commitment to the methodology 20 marks
    - The seriousness of the subject 35 marks
    - Language and writing style 20 marks
    - Resources and references 10 marks
    - Findings and recommendations 15 marks
    - The results of the evaluation are as follows:
    - Publishable with notes, Unfit for publication.
    - Scientific work is not accepted for publication unless it obtains 70% of the prescribed grades.

The specified period of evaluation is 15 days from the date of receipt of the reviewer for the scientific work. If the period lapses without the reviewer submitting the results of his evaluation, the editorial board may dispense with his evaluation and not count it, and his right to claim the evaluation reward is forfeited, and the editorial board refers the work to another reviewer, and the evaluation results may be accepted if the reviewer presents the reasons for the delay if accepted by the editorial committee.

The scientific work is returned to its sources, accompanied by the evaluator's notes to adopt it or push it on practical grounds, in the event that the evaluator concludes that the work is valid for publication with observations, and if opinions conflict and conflict between the results of the evaluation and the submitter of the scientific material, the scientific material is referred to an arbitrator for weighting, and the editorial committee has the final decision in this regard. Scientific works are evaluated on the special forms prepared by the editorial committee. The evaluation results are confidential, and the journal's editorial committee is committed to their confidentiality and Nondisclosure.