Interpretation of Gravity Data in the Murzuq Basin, SW Libya


A Bouguer gravity map of Murzuq Basin, produced from the compilation of available data, shows prominent NNW and NNE trends. The northeastern and northern flanks of the Murzuq Basin are marked by steep gradients. In the central part, a negative anomaly of amplitude ca. 50 mGal is associated with the deepest part of the basin. The gravity data suggest the basement is shallower in the north and northwest since the values increase northwards. The western flank is marked by a steep gradient that may be related to data coverage. Horizontal derivative method was applied to the Bouguer gravity data to delineate subsurface structures. The total horizontal derivative map shows high gradient values with NE-SW trends which mark the boundary of the basin in the east. The ENE-WSW anomaly trends in the north may be related to fault structures on the surface and subsurface.
